
  In mai multe randuri, am scris comentarii pe acest server, referitor la faptul ca nu se organizeaza competitii si pentru jucatorii amatori. Exista turneele zilnice este drept, dar parca nu au impactul si valoarea unuia care s-ar adresa special unei categorii de jucatori. Apoi stiti cum este, ceea ce se face prea des, devine o rutina plictisitoare si pierde clar interesul. Pe de alta parte si daca am fi primiti in turneele "Titled Tuesday", nu am face decat sa marim numarul participantilor in mod inutil, pentru ca este practic imposibil sa intre cineva fara titlu, intre primii 30-50 in clasamentul unei editii. 


 Sigur, abia am vorbit de paranoia numita cheating si reversul sau: acuzatia nefondata. In mod clar o ipotetica clasare a unuia fara titlu, intre primii la "Titled Tuesday" ar conduce la banuieli. Doar un simplu gand am enuntat si se poate dezvolta subiectul intr-o maniera enorma.

 In acest sens, nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc la cate obstacole vor avea initiatorii variantei "UNTITLED"! Initiativa generoasa, buna si binevenita. Ceea ce ii asteapta insa, fara discutie va fi o specie de calvar continuu. Cel putin in zonele inalte ale clasamentului, vor trebui sa fie puse in aplicare o serie de verificari. Nu s-a vorbit (inca) de premii in bani sau de alta natura. Acest lucru nu elimina insa, riscul trisatului. "Bolnavii" aceia o fac oriunde si indeferent de miza pusa in joc. 

 Nu ne ramane decat sa aplaudam initiativa acestui turneu si sa speram (sa ajutam chiar initiatorii), ca cei cu ganduri "pacatoase" sa fie marginalizati si pedepsiti adecvat. Chiar avand in titlu specificata ziua de marti, este foarte posibil sa se joace si un al doilea turneu sambata. A fost deja programat un prim test pentru sambata 20 mai 2017. Daca vreti sa fiti intre primii care au aderat la aceasta initiativa, consultati detaliile originale in limba engleza, in continuarea articolului. Se joaca blitz 3m+ 2s. Este obligatoriu sa va inscrieti in grupul "Untitled Tuesday" de pe server, pentru a putea participa.

Announcing our first event - a test run this Saturday!

We are planning our first event for this Saturday, the 20th of May.

We will plan for 3:00 PM Pacific time.  That is 10:00 UTC. 

We will post one further news post as a reminder on Friday.

This tournament will be available in the live chess server's list of tournaments up to an hour beforehand.  Note that you have to be in the new version of the site; you can switch back after the event if you prefer the old version.

We will follow the same format as we will follow for our future events: the time control is three minutes plus two seconds of increment, and it will be a seven-round event (we will increase the number of rounds for future events if we get enough people playing).

Note: games will be monitored for fair play violations.

Please tell your friends!  It would be great if we could have 30-40 or more people playing!

May 15, 2017, 1:47 AM

To learn more about us you can visit our homepage here.

Join This Club Now

Ever wanted to join a Titled Tuesday tournament but didn't have a title? Untitled Tuesday is the next best thing! We run a live blitz tournament following the same format, scheduled to start shortly after the official Titled Tuesday event finishes.

To join, you must have three months membership on the site. Titled players will not be admitted!


  1. We will run a blitz tournament in the live chess server, scheduled for 3:30 PM Pacific Time, on Tuesdays when there is a Titled Tuesday event (usually the first Tuesday of the month).  This time should give plenty of time for the official Titled Tuesday event to finish, so that you can watch the final rounds before joining the Untitled Tuesday event.
  2. The time control will be three minutes with two seconds of increment.
  3. Initially we will make it a 7-round event.  If we start to get enough people, we will increase the number of rounds, and may also add rating-restricted events.
  4. We may infrequently hold other special live tournaments, but Untitled Tuesday is our main event.
  5. The use of computer assistance is not permitted.  Games will be monitored for fair play violations.  Anyone caught cheating will be banned from the group and reported to the cheater-detection team.  Note: we cannot reverse the results of games retroactively, even if your opponent cheated, but we can exclude them from future events.
  6. If you earn an official title recognised by in OTB play, you are eligible for the official Titled Tuesday tournament.  You will therefore be removed from this group and no longer be permitted to play in Untitled Tuesday events.  Sorry, but you're now too good for us. happy.png
  7. We reserve the right to ban anyone from the group for any reason, such as abuse towards other members.

To join, you must be a member of this group.  Go into the live chess server and select the Tournaments tab.  The Untitled Tuesday event will appear in the list an hour before it is due to start.