
 Ca sa glumim un picut, "un necaz nu vine niciodata singur"! Dar sa nu gandim la partile dificile ale acestor competitii. Iata o alta initiativa in aceasta perioada (prolifica) a serverului Se trateaza de o imitatie a competitiei majore (PRO Chess League), care a atras o pleiada de superjucatori, cunoscuti in sahul practic si pe care am prezentat-o si noi aici. Din nou, avem in fata ceva care se adreseaza clar amatorului si in special celui care iubeste jocul mai "legat". Vorbim de un campionat pe echipe de sah rapid 15m+ 2s.


 Daca aveam unele ganduri la blitz 3m+ 2s, aici nici nu mai indraznesc sa scriu ceva in sensul trisatului.

 Cu toate acestea, mi s-a parut atractiva ideea si am spus: fie ce o fi! Initial am fost invitat ca jucator dar apoi, cum am vazut ca inca mai cautau capitani de echipe, am decis sa creez una: CHESS GP. Organizatorii nu au facut referiri asupra valorii jucatorilor selectionati intr-o echipa, dar au fost extremi de duri cu media rating rapid ( a celor 4 jucatori, pe care ii aliniaza o echipa intr-un meci: 1600! Matematica spune clar ca, deja un 2000 ar da dureri de cap imense si ar fi nevoie imediat de un 1200 care sa il "anihileze". Ce sa mai vorbim de un 2400...

 Oricum, aceasta este una dintre rarele posibilitati de a juca sah rapid online. Foarte dificil se gasesc turnee in aceasta cadenta. De fapt, cine ar sta 3-4-5 ore la computer, pentru un asemenea turneu? In cazul de fata, avantajul este acela de a disputa o singura partida pe saptamana. Un alt avantaj este acela al flexibilitatii datelor de joc. Se propun niste date si se ajunge la o intelegere. Desigur, acesta poate fi si un dezavantaj in acelasi timp. Se pot lungi negocierile datei, in mod iritabil. Dar sunt cateva reguli stabilite inainte, iar noi o sa va oferim legaturile spre site-ul special creat, care sa sustina aceasta complexa activitate. Si aici este nevoie sa aderati la grupul special creat pe server si mai ales, sa va inregistrati pe site-ul de sprijin. Acesta ar fi de fapt al treilea sezon organizat de acest grup. Deci, oarecare experienta au acumulat.


SITE (Rules, Sign Up, Standings, Pairings) :

Hello League!

We are so excited that you all joined us for Season 3 of the NSPCL! To be honest, we weren't expecting such a great turnout, but it's fantastic that we were wrong! tongue.png

Well, the long-awaited time has come. We are ready to begin... *drumroll* ...TEAM FORMATION!!!

Here is how it's going to work: First, we will have open enrollment for our 32 team captains. Team captains must have been members of for a minimum of three months prior to this date. Besides that, captains will be chosen on a first-come, first served basis. So if you would like to captain a team, please, sign up right away, before all the places fill up! Post your username and the proposed name of your team here:

Once all the team captains have been chosen and team names established, we will begin the process of team-building. This process may take some time, so please be patient with us! All the teams and their captains will be posted here: A special forum will be posted for the team building. There, you may apply to join any team you wish (assuming you have not already been approached by a captain), but it will be up to the team captain whether to accept or deny you! TEAM CAPTAINS: Your team must have an average rating (based on Rapid rating) of no more than 1600. Eventually, all of our members will be paired into teams of 4, and the season will begin. This process may be a little bit hectic, but the League Admins will be watching closely, regularly updating the team rosters, and making sure that no member is left behind!

During this period, we will also be feverishly working on logos for all the teams! You can see last season's logos here: CAPTAINS: If you have an idea for what your logo should look like, or would like to create your own logo, please Private Message either myself @ijgeoffrey or fellow admin @Newba.

We hope that this team-building process will go smoothly, but we all have a lot of work ahead of us! Let's have fun with it, though, as much as possible!


May 3, 2017, 7:07 PM