Recent pe Facebook la pagina deschisa de FIDE Online Arena, am fost atentionat ca exista o noua postare. A treia in scurt timp, apartinand WGM/FT Aleksandra Dimitrijevic (sotia GM Baadur Jobava), Secretar in Comisia Online FIDE. Toate interesante si cu impresia ca informatiile si postarile reincep sa fie constante. Pare a fi persoana cea mai activa din Comisia amintita (se poate consulta la butonul aferent FIDE Arena) si mi-au placut postarile sale. Intamplator sau poate nu, am observat in ultima postare, ca una dintre partide ma priveste in mod direct. Acum nu stiu... Poate fi modul elegant al marii maestre de a-mi "inchide" un pic gura si a linisti comentariile mele critice la adresa administrarii serverului FOA. Nu vreau sa dau importanta lamentarilor mele si in mod sigur nu o sa incetez reprosurile, atata timp cat ele se leaga de nereguli evidente si de defecte reale. Cert este ca, mi-au deschis chat-ul (aveam fermoar pus la gura) si apoi a aparut si aceasta partida comentata. Potrivire? Se poate. In cele ce urmeaza aveti reproducerea exacta a postarii si adaptarea partidei mele pe un vizualizator:


  When someone follows a game of blitz/fast/speed chess, an obvious and typical association which come into mind is a lot of (in)correct sacrifices and brilliant mate on the board.

 A very important element of personal chess development is game analysis. The accurate process of analyzing a chess game can help the chess player to detect and understand weaknesses. For example, the analysis of selected games from the 1st FIDE Online Grand Prix: The main difference from slower chess games, where it is possible to make deep quality analysis, here a simpler analysis is required with emphasis on the most important aspects. On over the board chess games, we can see blunders, or misunderstanding of the position and/or not knowing what is the best way to play the current position. Online games showcase two more types of blunders (nonchess ones): premove and mouse slip, which we need to consider during analysis. When masters of chess play blitz games, we can see that they usual decide to focus their attention on chess strategy – to get a stable position after opening is completed, and improve a bit by each played move. 

I have selected three interesting games from the 1st FIDE Online Arena Grand Prix which are characteristic of typical/untypica blitz chess, because one side show a very good understanding of positional thinking :